There is nothing quite as frustrating as not knowing what to buy someone for their birthday. You continue to ask, but they always give the same answer. They don’t know what they want. Our florists at 1-800-Flowers Greenrose in Phoenix, AZ, are here to make a frustrating situation a little easier with birthday gift ideas for someone who doesn't know what they want.
Our 1-800-Flowers A-Dog-Able In A Basket is a great go-to gift for the person who isn’t quite sure what they want or just won’t say it. This delightful flower arrangement is a thoughtful gift for anyone. It is bound to bring a smile to the recipient’s face along with a fresh look to a home. It is among our most popular flower arrangements.
You know it is coming. The answer is always a shrug of the shoulders then a casual, “I don’t know what I want for my birthday. I don’t really need anything.” Of course, the answer is entirely unacceptable, but some people are bound and determined to avoid a straight answer. If you are approaching a birthday for one of these mysterious individuals, a good trick is to be incredibly observant. Go out together to places where the next perfect gift for the one who has everything might reveal itself. If you get a clue, be careful not to show it. Surprising the closed-mouth birthday boy or girl is difficult yet satisfying... if you can pull it off.
The best gifts are those that are personal. These gifts require effort and thought. For instance, someone who is extremely shy probably won’t appreciate a huge surprise party full of acquaintances and strangers, and someone who loves sports probably won’t be thrilled with tickets to the ballet. Everyone has something they really enjoy but knowing what that something is requires knowing that person well. If you are really baffled and can’t come up with any birthday gift ideas for someone who says they don’t want anything, it might mean you need to get to know him or her better. Try asking some simple questions about their favorite memories or ask them what they love. If you fish a little, you just might catch a clue.
It’s their birthday. They can be indecisive if they want. Our florists at 1-800-Flowers Greenrose in Phoenix, AZ, want to help you give a gift that is the talk of the party with birthday gift ideas for someone who doesn't know what they want. Rock the party with a gift that everyone will want. Be careful. They just might try to take it home with them.