What to Get a Teacher for Easter


A good teacher leaves a lasting impression and has the power to change the direction of someone’s life. A great teacher will be remembered fondly by students long after graduation but may live with little fanfare or recognition.

Falling far enough into the school year, by the time Easter rolls around, you generally know whether you feel a teacher is enthusiastic and devoted to the job. Easter can be an unexpected holiday for a teacher to receive a gift, but that makes it an even better surprise. It is the perfect opportunity to give a special teacher a token of your appreciation for his or her hard work and dedication.

How can an Easter gift compare to what a teacher gives? Teachers can give confidence, imagination, creativity and practical knowledge? Although you may hear little snippets and clues about the teacher you plan to surprise, you probably still wonder what he or she would like.

Before you get discouraged that your gift won’t compare, even the best teachers don’t often get gifts. Any Easter gift given with a genuine intention to make a teacher happy will likely be greatly appreciated.

Before You Buy

Before you buy some apple-related gift or you or your child enters the classroom holding an apple, sit down to give the gift some thought. What do you know about this teacher? Do you know his or her approximate age? Do you know of some hobbies or interests? Do you know if the teacher has a favorite author, type of animal, musician or sports team?

If you know the answers to any of these questions, your job just got a bit easier. If you don’t, you probably at least know what subject he or she teaches. The teacher’s favorite subject gives a lot of insight into his or her interests and can be a good starting point to begin your journey for the perfect gift.

Give yourself time to think about who this teacher is and what he or she may want. If you still feel a bit lost, we have ideas for gifts that won’t break the bank or get tossed.

On the Right Track to Relax

Teaching can be a stressful occupation. Teachers often take their work home with them, both literally and figuratively. Sometimes teachers struggle to reach certain students. They may know upsetting details about their students’ lives at home.

Since Easter is in spring, a season of renewal, it makes sense to give a teacher a gift to encourage relaxation and rejuvenation. There are plenty of options when it comes to gifts to combat stress. If the teacher drinks tea, a tea sampler set with a cute infuser and mug is a nice gift. It is both useful and has a pleasant scent and appearance.

You can also put together an anti-stress basket. It could include things like weighted aromatherapy eye masks, stress balls, funny coloring books, plants, fuzzy blankets, cute socks and scented candles. Of course, bunnies are associated with Easter, so if you think the teacher may be a fan of cute and cuddly, getting these items with bunnies or adding a plush bunny to the mix might be a good idea. Any combination of those relatively inexpensive items with or without bunnies should get your teacher on the right track to relax.

The Giver Can Have It Delivered

You may not see the teacher very often, so picking gifts that can be delivered right to the classroom makes it easy to give something for Easter. Easter and spring conjure images of pastels, colorful eggs and beautiful, delicate blooms.

Easter and flowers are a perfect pair. Flowers have a reputation for promoting happiness and tranquility when they are received. Send a teacher a pretty pastel arrangement with charming and fragrant flowers like roses, carnations, lilies and assorted greenery in a keepsake vase. It is the perfect way to brighten her day.

Delivery is not limited to flowers. Balloons, chocolates and other gifts can also be delivered. Personalize your gift with a card describing how this teacher positively impacted you or your child’s life. Teachers are givers of encouragement, so give some encouragement back.

If you would like to send a personalized gift to a special teacher this Easter, our florists at 1-800-Flowers Greenrose in Phoenix, AZ, would be glad to help you select a gift and deliver it to the classroom.

Desk to Impress

Teachers typically collect an assortment of interesting odds and ends to decorate their desks. You may be able to find something unusual to add to the collection. Try to recall if you have seen any specific decorations in the form of knickknacks, posters or any other items that might indicate something this teacher likes.

Depending on the subject, you may be able to find interesting desk décor. For instance, science teachers will probably appreciate virus planters to hold pencils and pens, DNA sculptures or choose a classic like Newton’s Cradle Steel Balance Ball toys. Teachers and students will love watching the momentum and energy of this simple desk decoration.

For English teachers, there are fun posters and pictures about grammar, pictures of motivational quotes about writing, historical photos of famous authors, small busts of Shakespeare and typewriter pen and pencil holders.

For history teachers, there are figurines of Julius Caesar and bronze statues of the Rome Colosseum, Abraham Lincoln and other historical figures and places. For teachers with a love of geography, there are globe-shaped pen and pencil holders.

If you are trying to figure out a gift for Easter for your young child’s teacher, consider making the gift a project that involves your child. There are plenty of DIY Easter activities for creating crafts that become lovely little keepsakes your child can give to his or her teacher. This activity is a fun way to spend time with your child and teaches valuable lessons about how good it feels to give.

Books That Won’t Get Dirty Looks

Teaching requires organization. A cute, individualized planner or notebook makes a great gift that the teacher will use often enough to be reminded that he or she is appreciated. Journals make good gifts and come in a variety of materials and designs, and you never know what a good journal might inspire.

Practical and Tactical

Some items that make good gifts are utilitarian and beneficial for teachers. Traveling light is not something most teachers can accomplish, so consider picking out a cute tote bag. For a smaller gift, you can always turn a lunch bag into a snack sack full of goodies. Most teachers eat lunch on campus, so providing snacks can help them combat late afternoon snack cravings.

With some extra thought or input from others, it is possible to figure out a great personalized gift to give thanks to a teacher for going the extra mile to make students smile. A small gesture can give a teacher a big boost, and why not? Teachers are influencing young minds. In some cases, teachers are changing the future and lives, one student at a time.

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